Leonardo With Kristen Zang at the premiere of "Romeo and Juliet".
Leonardo dated Kristen for 15 months, when kristen ended their love-affair, Leonardo was
totally heartbroken...
Leonardo with actress Liv Tyler at a premiere party. Rumor has it that the two of them had a short love-affair.
Leonardo with his grandfather, Wilhelm Indenbirken...
A young Leonardo at his house in "Los Feliz"(LA), with his former dog
Baby, who was epileptic and very lazy...Baby died last year...
Leonardo with his dad, George DiCaprio...
Leonardo with his family, his mother,grandmother and his father...
"Leonardo DiCaprio's Exclusive links to this site!"
Leonardo with his Mother; Irmalin Idenbirken, and his Grandmother; Helena Idenbirken, at the premiere party of "The man in the iron mask."